

  男,1988年生,山东潍坊人,博士,副研究员。2011年毕业于山东大学;2014年毕业于中国科学院生态环境研究中心;2018年毕业于中国人民大学环境学院,获经济学博士学位。2014-2015年在北京市生态环境监测中心工作,2018年至今在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所工作。作为项目负责人和骨干主持和参与国家自然科学基金青年项目、国际(地区)合作与交流项目、面上项目和中科院A类先导专项等项目,并承担多个国际合作与地方委托项目。在Environmental Science & TechnologyRenewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、中国农村经济、生态学报等国内外期刊上发表学术论文60余篇(一作/通讯30余篇),多份政策建议获国家领导人批示或被中办/国办采用。聘任Carbon Research期刊青年编委,入选农业农村部生态农场建设专家指导组。




  1.      Xiangbo Xu1*, Yuhan Ye1, Jing Li, Zhiyu Xu, Mingxing Sun, Chang Li, Linxiu Zhang, Yinghao Xue*. GHG emissions of straw treatments in rural China and scenario simulation based on life cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 377(1): 134377.

  2.      Li Xu, Xiangbo Xu*, Chang Li, Jing Li, Mingxing Sun, Linxiu Zhang. Is mulch film itself the primary source of meso- and microplastics in the mulching cultivated soil? A preliminary field study with econometric methods. Environmental Pollution, 2022. 299: 118915.

  3.      Mingxing Sun, Guangwu Chen, Xiangbo Xu*, Linxiu Zhang, Klaus Hubacek, Yutao Wang. Reducing Carbon Footprint Inequality of Household Consumption in Rural Areas: Analysis from Five Representative Provinces in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(17), 11511-11520.

  4.      Chang Li1, Mingxing Sun1, Xiangbo Xu*, Linxiu Zhang. Characteristics and influencing factors of mulch film use for pollution control in China: Microcosmic evidence from smallholder farmers. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 164, 105222.

  5.      Mingxing Sun, Xiangbo Xu*, Le Wang, Chang Li, Linxiu Zhang. Stable energy, energy inequality, and climate change vulnerability in Pan-Third Pole regions: Empirical analysis in cross-national rural areas. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 147, 111197.

  6.      Xiangbo Xu1, Le Wang1, Mingxing Sun*, Chao Fu, Yunli Bai, Chang Li, Linxiu Zhang. Climate change vulnerability assessment for smallholder farmers in China An extended framework. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 276, 111315.

  7.      Xiangbo Xu, Xiaoyan Hu*, Ting Wang, Mingxing Sun*, Le Wang, Linxiu Zhang. Non-inverted U-shaped challenges to regional sustainability: The health risk of soil heavy metals in coastal China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 279, 123746.

  8.      徐湘博,李畅,郭建兵*,张林秀. 土地转入规模、土地经营规模与全生命周期作物种植碳排放——基于中国农村发展调查的证据. 中国农村经济2022455(11): 40-58.

  9.      徐湘博,李静*,薛颖昊,孙明星,牛坤玉,金书秦,张林秀. 减排固碳目标纳入农业绿色发展政策的协同机制. 农业环境科学学报202241(10): 2091-2101.

  10.   徐湘博,孙明星*,张林秀. 农业生命周期评价研究进展,生态学报202141(01)422-433.







